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Friday, August 5, 2011

BetamaxLives03 Death Threat Received


  1. This is the comment posted by BetmaxLive03 On YT.

    This is a comment directed toward me, which "BETAMAX" left on a DRM-related video:

    "Next time your down at the FBI offices tell them I said this to you.

    If i ever get my hands on you, you piece of filth, I'm going to put you sitting on my lap and ass fuck you from behind. Just as I'm about to cum I'm going to cut your throat and enjoy the sensation of your warm blood running down my nuts as I ejaculate into your death spasming anus.

    Run along to the FBI now bitch before I find you."
    usagoodbyeisayhello 4 days ago

  2. That comment is obviously from you Betamax. You disgusting vile sociopath. Do society a favour and commit suicide.

    "Be very careful" ooooohhhhh I'm quaking in my boots. LMFAO.

  3. i've seen this fuckers comments on jewtube he is a dirty animal thats not fit to be in society. i hope the scumbag does kill himself


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